* External dependencies
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
* WordPress dependencies
import domReady from '@wordpress/dom-ready';
const { __, sprintf } = wp.i18n;
* Internal dependencies.
import { Presets } from '@wpmudev/shared-presets';
export const ConfigsPage = ( { isWidget, wphbData } ) => {
const proDescription = (
{ __(
'You can easily apply configs to multiple sites at once via ',
) }
{ __( 'the Hub.' ) }
const closeIcon = __( 'Close this dialog window', 'wphb' ),
cancelButton = __( 'Cancel', 'wphb' );
const lang = {
title: __( 'Preset Configs', 'wphb' ),
upload: __( 'Upload', 'wphb' ),
save: __( 'Save config', 'wphb' ),
manageConfigs: __( 'Manage configs', 'wphb' ),
loading: __( 'Updating the config list...', 'wphb' ),
emptyNotice: __(
'You don’t have any available config. Save preset configurations of Hummingbird’s settings, then upload and apply them to your other sites in just a few clicks!',
baseDescription: __(
'Use configs to save preset configurations of Hummingbird’s settings, then upload and apply them to your other sites in just a few clicks!',
widgetDescription: __(
'Use configs to save preset configurations of your settings.',
syncWithHubText: __(
'Created or updated the configs via the Hub?',
syncWithHubButton: __(
'Re-check to get the updated list.',
apply: __( 'Apply', 'wphb' ),
download: __( 'Download', 'wphb' ),
edit: __( 'Name and Description', 'wphb' ),
delete: __( 'Delete', 'wphb' ),
notificationDismiss: __( 'Dismiss notice', 'wphb' ),
freeButtonLabel: __( 'Try The Hub', 'wphb' ),
defaultRequestError: sprintf(
/* translators: %s request status */
'Request failed. Status: %s. Please reload the page and try again.',
uploadActionSuccessMessage: sprintf(
/* translators: %s request status */
'%s config has been uploaded successfully – you can now apply it to this site.',
uploadWrongPluginErrorMessage: sprintf(
/* translators: %s {pluginName} */
'The uploaded file is not a %s Config. Please make sure the uploaded file is correct.',
applyAction: {
title: __( 'Apply Config', 'wphb' ),
description: sprintf(
/* translators: %s config name */
'Are you sure you want to apply the %s config to this site? We recommend you have a backup available as your existing settings configuration will be overridden.',
actionButton: __( 'Apply', 'wphb' ),
successMessage: sprintf(
/* translators: %s. config name */
__( '%s config has been applied successfully.', 'wphb' ),
deleteAction: {
title: __( 'Delete Configuration File', 'wphb' ),
description: sprintf(
/* translators: %s config name */
'Are you sure you want to delete %s? You will no longer be able to apply it to this or other connected sites.',
actionButton: __( 'Delete', 'wphb' ),
editAction: {
nameInput: __( 'Config name', 'wphb' ),
descriptionInput: __( 'Description', 'wphb' ),
emptyNameError: __( 'The config name is required', 'wphb' ),
actionButton: __( 'Save', 'wphb' ),
editTitle: __( 'Rename Config', 'wphb' ),
editDescription: __(
'Change your config name to something recognizable.',
createTitle: __( 'Save Config', 'wphb' ),
createDescription: __(
'Save your current settings configuration. You’ll be able to then download and apply it to your other sites.',
successMessage: sprintf(
/* translators: %s. config name */
__( '%s config created successfully.', 'wphb' ),
settingsLabels: {
uptime: __( 'Uptime', 'wphb' ),
gravatar: __( 'Gravatar Caching', 'wphb' ),
page_cache: __( 'Page Caching', 'wphb' ),
advanced: __( 'Advanced Tools', 'wphb' ),
rss: __( 'RSS Caching', 'wphb' ),
settings: __( 'Settings', 'wphb' ),
performance: __( 'Performance Test', 'wphb' ),
return (
ConfigsPage.propTypes = {
wphbData: PropTypes.object,
domReady( function() {
// Configs section on Dashboard page.
const configsDashDiv = document.getElementById( 'wphb-dashboard-configs' );
if ( configsDashDiv ) {
// Configs page.
const configsDiv = document.getElementById( 'wrap-wphb-configs' );
if ( configsDiv ) {
} );