* External dependencies
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
* WordPress dependencies
import domReady from '@wordpress/dom-ready';
const { __, sprintf } = wp.i18n;
* Internal dependencies
import HBAPIFetch from '../../api';
import BorderFrame from '../../components/border-frame';
import Box from '../../components/sui-box';
import Button from '../../components/sui-button';
import Checkbox from '../../components/sui-checkbox';
import Icon from '../../components/sui-icon';
import Notice from '../../components/sui-notice';
import Select from '../../components/sui-select';
import SettingsRow from '../../components/sui-box-settings/row';
import Toggle from '../../components/sui-toggle';
import Tooltip from '../../components/sui-tooltip';
import Tag from '../../components/sui-tag';
import {createInterpolateElement} from "@wordpress/element";
* Integrations component.
* @since 3.0.0
class Integrations extends React.Component {
* Component constructor.
* @param {Object} props
constructor( props ) {
super( props );
this.state = {
api: new HBAPIFetch(),
allowModify: this.props.wphbData.modify,
links: this.props.wphbData.links,
loading: true,
cf: this.props.wphbData.module.cloudflare,
apo: this.props.wphbData.module.apo,
zones: [],
selectedZone: false, // Track zone select.
this.disconnectCloudflare = this.disconnectCloudflare.bind( this );
this.reCheckStatus = this.reCheckStatus.bind( this );
this.reCheckAPOStatus = this.reCheckAPOStatus.bind( this );
this.clearCache = this.clearCache.bind( this );
this.handleAPOToggleChange = this.handleAPOToggleChange.bind( this );
this.handleDevChkbxChange = this.handleDevChkbxChange.bind( this );
this.handleZoneChange = this.handleZoneChange.bind( this );
this.saveSelectedZone = this.saveSelectedZone.bind( this );
* Invoked immediately after a component is mounted.
componentDidMount() {
.post( 'cloudflare_status' )
.then( ( response ) => {
this.setState( {
loading: false,
cf: response.cloudflare,
apo: response.apo,
} );
} )
.catch( ( error ) => window.console.log( error ) );
* Open the Connect Cloudflare modal.
openConnectModal() {
* Re-check status button click.
reCheckStatus() {
this.setState( { loading: true } );
.post( 'cloudflare_zones' )
.then( ( response ) => {
// Error.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.message ) {
window.WPHB_Admin.notices.show( response.message, 'error' );
// Got a list of zones.
let zones = [];
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.zones ) {
zones = response.zones;
this.setState( {
loading: false,
} );
} )
.catch( ( error ) => window.console.log( error ) );
* Re-check APO status (used to verify payment).
reCheckAPOStatus() {
this.setState( { loading: true } );
.post( 'cloudflare_apo_status' )
.then( ( response ) => {
this.setState( {
loading: false,
cf: response.cloudflare,
apo: response.apo,
} );
} )
.catch( ( error ) => window.console.log( error ) );
* Disconnect Cloudflare.
disconnectCloudflare() {
this.setState( { loading: true } );
.post( 'cloudflare_disconnect' )
.then( ( response ) => {
this.setState( {
loading: false,
cf: response.cloudflare,
apo: response.apo,
} );
window.wphbMixPanel.disableFeature( 'Cloudflare_integration' );
__( 'Cloudflare was disconnected successfully.', 'wphb' )
} )
.catch( ( error ) => window.console.log( error ) );
* Clear Cloudflare cache.
clearCache() {
this.setState( { loading: true } );
.post( 'cloudflare_clear_cache' )
.then( () => {
this.setState( {
loading: false,
} );
'Cloudflare cache successfully purged. Please wait 30 seconds for the purge to complete.',
} )
.catch( ( error ) => window.console.log( error ) );
* Handle toggling APO.
* @param {Object} e
handleAPOToggleChange( e ) {
this.setState( { loading: true } );
let msg = __( 'Automatic Platform Optimization is disabled.', 'wphb' );
if ( e.target.checked ) {
msg = __( 'Automatic Platform Optimization is enabled.', 'wphb' );
.post( 'cloudflare_toggle_apo', e.target.checked )
.then( ( response ) => {
this.setState( {
loading: false,
apo: response,
} );
window.WPHB_Admin.notices.show( msg );
} )
.catch( ( error ) => window.console.log( error ) );
* Handle toggling APO cache by device type.
* @param {Object} e
handleDevChkbxChange( e ) {
this.setState( { loading: true } );
.post( 'cloudflare_toggle_device_cache', e.target.checked )
.then( ( response ) => {
this.setState( {
loading: false,
apo: response,
} );
__( 'Settings updated.', 'wphb' )
} )
.catch( ( error ) => window.console.log( error ) );
* Handle zone select.
handleZoneChange() {
this.setState( {
selectedZone: jQuery( '#cloudflare-zone-select' )
.find( ':selected' )
} );
* Save selected zone.
saveSelectedZone() {
if ( false === this.state.selectedZone ) {
this.setState( { loading: true } );
.post( 'cloudflare_save_zone', this.state.selectedZone )
.then( ( response ) => {
this.setState( {
loading: false,
cf: response.cloudflare,
apo: response.apo,
zones: [],
selectedZone: false,
} );
__( 'Cloudflare was connected successfully.', 'wphb' )
} )
.catch( ( error ) => window.console.log( error ) );
* Render accordion header title.
* @return {JSX.Element} Title element.
renderHeaderTitle() {
const images =
this.state.links.wphbDirUrl + 'admin/assets/image/integrations/';
const tooltip = (
{ __( 'If the zone is not auto detected, try selecting one of the available zones from the list below:', 'wphb' ) }
{ __( 'Store temporary data on your visitors devices so that they don’t have to download assets twice if they don’t have to. This results in a much faster second time round page load speed.', 'wphb' ) }
{ __( "Cloudflare APO will cache dynamic content and third-party scripts so the entire site is served from cache. This eliminates round trips between your server and the user's browser, drastically improving TTFB and other site performance metrics.", 'wphb' ) }